Wedo program
Wedo program

wedo program

Place the WeDo on a flat surface with enough space in front of it to move. Make sure that your Tynker project with a WeDo Actor is open and check that the iPad is close enough to the WeDo. If the light on your WeDo is blinking, then turns off, it means that it cannot find anything to pair with. Once paired, you will see a green indicator on the WeDo Actor in your Tynker project and the light indicator on your WeDo will be on but not blinking. Simply turn on the WeDo by clicking its on/off button, then wait for it to pair. Now that you’ve created a Tynker project to control your WeDo, you’re ready to pair your iPad with the WeDo.

wedo program

Once you’ve added the WeDo, you can click on the “Code” button and see that it comes with some initial code. You can do this by selecting “+” to add an Actor, choosing the “Connect Device” category, and selecting the WeDo as an Actor. Select the “Workshop” section and start a new blank project.

Wedo program